Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7,2009

I've been doing a poor job on this blog. I find that time just gets away from me or maybe I just don't have a very exciting life (for which I'm thankful ... lol).

Well school is out, obviously. The disappointing part is that we have just under 5 weeks until it starts back up! ARGH! Anyway, we will hopefully have some changes in our middle school special ed (sped). department. We are receiving a huge chunk of "stimulus money" for our district. And I do mean HUGE. So we are in the process of ordering new furniture, cabinets, bookcases. etc for our classroom. Now, if we could just send some of that in to teacher salaries.....ahhhh! O.k. back to reality.... in short it means (if our plans are approved) that sped will be getting all new stuff and passing our old stuff on to the general ed teachers. It is almost always the opposite of this. We usually get stuck with the old stuff. Now all this could still be a dream if our plans don't get approved but our school district is very blessed and our 8 sped teachers have pretty much everything that we could want so as my boss likes to point out... what else are we going to spend it on? So we'll see how that turns out.

Well, onto summer activities. We just finished a camping trip with the family at my favorite place, Buffalo National River. We had a blast. My little pixie swam and built sandcastles to her little heart's contentment. Of course she was ready to go back as soon as we got home. She also got her first "boyfriend". The camp ground host just loves her to death and so they became boyfriend/girlfriend. He even came up with a little friendship ring from somewhere. It was so cute. She wouldn't be anyone else girlfriend because Mr. Louis had told her not to. She would look at someone and say "I don't think so". Too funny!

We spent about a week down there and had a great time. The river was warm (almost too warm). We didn't go on the annual float trip though. The day that it was scheduled for the temperature was supposed to be around 100 and my little pixie is so warm natured anyway that I was afraid she would get overheated. Not to mention that it is extremely difficult to keep a very active 2 and 1/2 year old confined to a canoe for several hours. If we had gone it probably would have turned into an overnight float with all the stopping "to stretch our legs" that we would have had to do. Nonetheless, my pixie had a great time letting the fish "kiss" her legs and throwing rocks in the river.

So what's next? Well, not a lot on the schedule for the next 5 weeks. I have a workshop to attend this Friday (yeah.... work in the summer). And I believe that we have a photo shoot scheduled in a week or so and that's pretty much it at this point. I know I have a ton of things around the house that need to get done so we'll see if that actually happens.

I hope that everyone is doing well and is having a great summer. Remember that no matter what God loves you!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Thanks for an update, Christie! It's great to hear from you:) Take care and hug that baby girl for me!