Friday, April 10, 2009

The silence goes on...

and on and on. To my knowledge, I've never had laryngitis before at least not for more than a few hours to overnight. I did go to the doctor this morning and he told me that it was just plain old laryngitis. I explained that next week was our Statewide testing and that it was important that I be able to speak starting Monday. He basically said quit talking and then gave me a shot and said that hopefully my voice would be back by Monday morning. Yesterday afternoon was really bad. I could barely speak above a whisper. This evening has been better but I'm still trying to rest my voice as much as possible.

My little Pixie went to bed very easily tonight. I think maybe we are settling into a new routine..... finally. We sit on the couch at about 7 and then she has to turn over by 8 and if all goes well she's asleep by 8:30 or 9. Tonight she was asleep by 8:15! Yeah, for mom!

As I stated, Statewide testing is next week so please help me pray that my voice comes back before Monday. Everyone have a great Easter weekend!!!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Praying for you Christie! Hugs!